- File documentation, statistics, GDPR, German model Sally Peters;
- Establishment of an Umbrella organisation – Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung, ASB Schuldnerberatungen GmbH, Ines Moers, Clemens Mitterlehner
- Target groups of debt advice– selection, access, special needs – Vulnerable groups, Gamblers, Disabled persons, Sally Peters, Juha Pantzar, Rhoda Garland
- Funding of a debt advice service – Germany, France, Austria, Ireland, Manfred Westphal, Pauline Dujardin, Clemens Mitterlehner, Gwen Harris
- Different approaches in debt advice – Systemic approach, Holistic approach /Alternative dispute resolutio, Christoph Mattes, Stuart Stamp, Suzana Kolesa
- Professional qualification of debt counselor – Germany, France, Ireland, Ines Moers, Pauline Dujardin, Gwen Harris
- Legal framework for debt advice, Germany, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Sally Peters, Pauline Dujardin, Marcel Warnaar, Gwen Harris
- Return of Investment (RoI) in Debt Advice Services, Francesco Gaetano
- The new Consumer Credit Directive, E. Brolis, F. Gaetano